Monday, August 26, 2013

Look Magazine UK Feature

EN: Hello my dear friends! Hope you are all having a great start to the last week of summer!!
I'm very happy to inform you that one of the first looks that I posted on this blog was featured in one of the august issues of  LOOK Magazine UK! The topic is 'Respin your Lace' and the focus was on my Mango skirt! This should also work as a reminder for me to wear this red lace skirt more often, I mean the color is just gorgeous and the fabric feels and looks luxurious!
Special thanks to the sweet Andreea from Dreaming of Chanel for sending it over right away! 
Thank you, honey, you made my day!!

RO: Buna dragi mei! Sper ca ati inceput cu bine ultima saptamana de vara a acestui an!

Aveam o cu totul alta postare pregatita pt voi astazi, insa cum surpiza mi-a batut la usa zilele trecute,
va trebui sa astepte cumintel pana maine!
Uite asa va reimprospatez memoria cu o mai veche tinuta care a fost publicata, spre incantarea mea, intr-una din editiile din august a revistei britanice LOOK!!:):) Contrar calitatii zgarcite a fotografiei, ca deh, a fost surprinsa pe la inceputurile blogului iar fotograful meu n-avea experienta de azi, se pare ca lookul  a avut in general priza la cititori deoarece a primit si multa atentie pe pagina Chictopia. 
Dar am si o curiozitate! Acum ca nebunia si interesul catre color blocking s-a ofilit, ce parere aveti despre aceasta tendinta care a isterizat in aceeasi masura podiumurile de moda dar si cel al strazii timp de cateva sezoane bune?
Asteptati o eventuala revenire?

Multumiri speciale scumpei Andreea de la Dreaming of Chanel care mi-a facut deosebita surpriza si mi-a trimis revista imediat! Thank you, honey, you made my day!!

Hurry up dears! This time you can save up to 84% off from Romwe Labor Day sale!
Just go to stock these awesome items to show yourself off! >>>>
Available from Aug 27th to Sep 2nd! Enjoy!


  1. Wow! Congrats!!
    Great look! I totally love your skirt.

  2. Draga Dora, te felicit din toata inima pentru aparitia in paginile revistei! Ma bucur pentru tine, sunt mandra de tine!:)

    Tinuta ta... e firesc sa fi retinut atentia, mi-o amintesc foarte bine!
    Referitor la colorblocking: nu l-am prea adotat caci am simtit ca ma depaseste, ca as fi pe un teren nesigur in ciuda faptului ca imi place foarte mult si am admirat frecvent atatea combinatii reusite!

    Te imbratisez!
    Lavender Thoughts

    1. Multumesc frumos, draga mea Felicia! Pupici!!

  3. Congrats Dora! I definitely understand why they featured you! Such a beautiful outfit! I have paired mint and red together because of you!

  4. Wow! Congratulations! This is so great!

  5. Felicitariiii!!! Meriti sa fii acolo:) loveeely outfit!

  6. Felicitari Dora! Esti foarte frumoasa si stilata! Sunt tare mandra de tine.

  7. That is SO exciting!!! Congrats on that feature! Such a lovely look! xo

  8. Felicitari, tinuta chiar merita toata atentia!

  9. Wow, how wonderful my dear! Congratulations! :)

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

  10. Congratulations!! I love the picture and you're right about the skirt :)
    It looks great and it's a nice change up to a basic pencil skirt!

  11. Felicitari!!!

    E o veste minunata ^_^

    Te imbratisez,

