Thursday, February 28, 2013

El Gouna pt.2

Mango dress

EN: Hey guys, here we go again with the second- and the last- set of photos from my Egyptian vacation!
I promise to come back soon with lots of fresh, spring-ish outfits! Let's just hope the weather will cooperate and we'll all able to dig for our lighter clothing asap! Oh, colorful blazers, soft fabrics, peep-toe pumps, green landscape, fresh fruits and flowers from our garden, can you imagine the winter is finally, FINALLY over??

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams !!

RO: Am revenit cu al doilea- si ultimul- set de poze din vacanta petrecuta in Egipt, gata distractia, promit ca ma intorc zilele astea cu tinute in tonuri primavaratice si texturi mai lejere! Sa speram ca si mandra si mult-asteptata luna a Martisorului joaca-n hora noastra si nu ne impiedica sa scoatem din dulap jachetele si sacourile subtiri, imprimeurile florale, bluzele vaporoase si pantofii decupati.

Dragii mei, am primit cateva intrebari legate de acest subiect si vreau in consecinta sa va vorbesc putin despre problema securitatii in statiunile egiptene. Mai exact, nu exista absolut niciun motiv sa scoateti acest loc de pe harta destinatiilor viitoare de vacanta doar din cauza stirilor exagerate de la tv. Probleme nu exista decat in capitala, Cairo, dar si acolo protestele si izbucnirile sunt localizate in vreo doua puncte, precum Piata Tahrir, locul in care egiptenii au protestat si luptat in numele democratiei. Restul capitalei isi desfasoara activitatea in mod normal iar statiunile au acelasi grad de siguranta ca intotdeauna, turismul a fost si va ramane o ramura importanta a economiei egiptene.

This was just about my limit :))..brrr, a tad too cold for me

Vero Moda dress

Peek&Cloppenburg scarf

delicious breakfast, yes I've totally fucked up my diet  // Piz Buin, I swear the best sunscreens ever!

This view was just, I don't know..mesmerizing. How lucky some people are, to have a holiday home in such a beautiful spot!!

Tuc Tuc ! Omg, I love this funny, little, taxis :))

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

El Gouna pt.1

EN: I still can't believe our vacation in Egypt is over already, it just seems like this week has passed like a whirlwind!  But this beautiful moments are so huge and precious and I know they'll last in our memories for a lifetime!
We had some wonderful days and we actually enjoyed the sun, the beautiful azure sea and the sand tickling our toes more than we would have if it were summer. We spent all of our time resting, swimming, sunbathing and exploring the beautiful and romantic El Gouna and we also attended some traditional oriental shows.

Known as one of the 'Seven Underwater Wonders of the World', the Red Sea is also an absolute delight! From beautiful coral gardens to magnificent reefs and lagoons, it's a fantastic place to snorkel and dive. Too bad the sea water is still rather cold and it's difficult to swim more that 10 minutes without a neoprene suit..

I'll leave you now with a first set of photos (you may have already seen a couple of them on my Instagram and FB account) and I'll come back soon with others, so stay tuned and enjoy these ones!

RO: Inca nu-mi  vine sa cred ca am lasat deja saptamana petrecuta in exoticul Egipt in urma, ca s-a terminat atat de repede. Intorsi in friguroasa Germanie, totul mi se pare un vis acum. Insa dragii mei, tot ce e frumos poate sa dureze o vesnicie prin noi, prin amintiri si momente magice.

A fost o saptamana minunata, asa cum ne-am dorit, ne-am bucurat din plin de soarele arzator si de apa, de nisip si picioare goale- cu siguranta mai mult decat am fi facut-o daca am fi mers pe timpul verii. Ne-am odihnit, am inotat si ne-am lasat pielea mangaiata de soare, ne-am plimbat prin incantatoarea statiune dar ne-am delectat si cu cateva show-uri traditional orientale. 

El Gouna e f frumoasa, romantica, e o reala placere sa te plimbi prin ea atat ziua cat si seara (o la la, e luminata mai ceva ca Parisul :)) Mult mai placuta decat Hurgada, statiunea alaturata, pe care am vizitat-o in urma cu doi ani. Am ales un hotel situat in jurul unor lagune, cu o gradina mare, pestrita!! Ce sa mai, o minunatie! N-o sa fiu carcotasa si n-o sa vorbesc despre aspectele mai putin placute, mi s-a reconfirmat, daca mai era necesar, faptul ca 5 stele africane nu au acelasi standard cu 5 stele europene insa e ok, calitatile chiar au compensat din plin unele lipsuri.

Marea Rosie e de asemenea o adevarata desfatare pt iubitorii de snorkeling si de incursiuni subacvatice, cu recifuri impresionante de corali si pesti multicolori. Pacat ca e inca destul de rece si fara neopren nu se poate sta in apa mai mult de cateva minute. Prietenul meu s-a incumetat la bai in mare, insa eu am abuzat de piscina incalzita.. 

Am sa va las acum cu un prim set de poze, voi mai pregati unul fiindca n-am vrut sa le aglomerez pe toate intr-un singur post. Daca ma urmariti pe contul meu de FB sau Instagram, ati vazut deja o parte din poze, multe facute direct cu telefonul. Sper sa va placa!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Super Flared

Tommy Hilfiger jeans, Cynthia Rowley faux fur vest, Jacky&Celine bag, MK watch

EN: The glowing sun convinced me to take this embellished Cynthia Rowley vest for a stroll a couple of days ago. I just love those beautiful amber colored rhinestones on the neck, this detail makes my beloved faux fur piece so much more precious for day-to-day wear, don't you think? You can find a proper close-up of it on my Fb and Instagram accounts, but the next time I take photos in it,  I'll just make sure I wear my hair up so you can see the details better.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @fashionpainteddreams !!

RO: M-am lasat cu buna stiinta pacalita de razele puternice ale soarelui acum cateva dimineti, si-am luat la plimbare mult iubita mea vesta din blana artificiala cumparata anul trecut de la Cynthia Rowley. Are niste detalii superbe in zona decolteului si anume e impodobita cu niste margele asemenea chihlimbarului in ton cu nuanta blanii. Un close-up gasiti pe conturile mele Instagram sau Fb, insa data viitoare o voi purta cu parul strans sa o vedeti cum trebuie. 

Pana una alta, mi-am facut in mare o lista (in cap) cu ce vreau sa iau cu mine in vacanta, niste rochite mai vaporoase mi-am luat oricum odata cu valul de reduceri de luna trecuta, costume de baie sunt tot cele de anul trecut (oricum slabe sanse sa gasesc acum ceva nou in magazine), am luat si creme de protectie solara , iar de data asta cred ca voi pune si o pereche de sandale cu toc pt seara, ca taaaare mi-e dor :)

Monday, February 11, 2013


Zara trench coat, Mango jeans, H&M top and ankle boots, Maui and Sons sunglasses

EN: As you may have already noticed, I'm crazy about mixing the classy stripes with all kind of prints like florals, tartan, leopard or psychedelic. The striped top is definitely the most worn item in my wardrobe and in my opinion it's one of the top 5 must have in any closet! I get mine at the beginning of every season from h&m or Zara, they do have a great selection of cotton basics;)

On a different note, my boyfriend surprised me with a beach vacation planned for the next week and I'm beyond excited to dig out for my bathing suits and summer dresses from the bottom of the closet! Be sure to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams to keep up with all the preparations for this trip!

RO:  Dupa cum (sunt convinsa) ati obserat pana acum, imi place la nebunie sa combin clasicele dungi breton cu orice alt imprimeu: floral, abstract, in carouri sau animal print. Un top dungat este cu siguranta o piesa basic arhifolosita din sifonierul meu si face parte dintr-un top 5 al listei de must have-uri in orice garderoba in viziunea mea. Eu ma 'aprovizionez' la fiecare inceput de sezon cu 2 sau 3 astfel de bluze din bumbac, le iau de obicei din h&m sau Zara, acolo unde va zoresc si pe voi sa mergeti, au o selectie buna de piese basic.

In alta ordine de idei, am avut parte de o mega surpriza din partea iubitului meu, cand a venit acasa cu vestea ca la sfarsitul saptamanii asteia mergem in vacanta la mare!!! Cu greu imi vine a crede ca trebuie sa dezgrop de pe undeva din pivnita costumele de baie si rochitele de vara, dar da, daca nu vine vara la mine(mai repede), fug eu la ea :)) Cu pregatirile de plecare, bagaje si toate cele va tin la curent pe contul meu de INSTAGRAM, unde ma gasiti cu username-ul @fashionpainteddreams. Va astept acolo si va doresc o saptamana placuta!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Splash of Neon

Benetton coat, H&M necklace

EN: The neon trend may not be as hot as the last summer, but some crazy colored accents on accessories are still a fresh and sophisticated option this spring. So be brave and go for a fluorescent pair of pumps, a candy bag, fantasy jewelry or even a cute beanie, pair them with all black, white or creamy nude, with denim pieces or bold stripes, the right attitude and they will definitely guarantee you a stylish hot season .
Enjoy your weekend everyone, spread peace and love!

*the photos are taken a couple of weeks ago, while there was still snow here in Bremen!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @fashionpainteddreams

RO: Chiar daca trendul culorilor "acide" s-a mai temperat iar lumea modei s-a reorientat catre culori mai adanci, sofisticate in nuantele pietrelor pretioase, accesoriile in nuante efervescente se mentin in tendinte si in sezonul urmator. Asadar, fiti indraznete si investiti cu incredere intr-o pereche de pantofi, o geanta, bijuterii fantezie sau de ce nu, daca va sta bine, o caciulita super-chic tip beanie.
Alaturati-le tinutelor all black, white sau bej, pieselor din denim sau dungilor late. Pt un look jucaus, la un party pe marginea piscinei, iesi din zona ta de confort si imprumuta nuantele si pt machiajul ochilor. Va garanteaza o aparitie cel putin inspirata!
Cu gandul la picioare goale si pedichiura fosforescenta, eu va doresc un weekend cat mai vesel si calduros, nu uitati sa va bucurati si de lucrurile marunte din viata voastra, savurati o carte buna, o masa delicioasa sau o discutie spumoasa cu prietenii de suflet si pastrati-va mereu un tonus activ si optimist!  Oferiti zambete!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

City of Emeralds

Mango coat and jeans, H&M scarf and shoes, Calvin Klein Collection bag, MK watch

EN: You know how 2012 was -from runway to high street- all about mint green! Well, according to the Pantone Color Institut it seems like this years color is yet another shade of green, this time a richer, luxuriant,  more vibrant shade, emerald ! Green times had come, says Leatrice Eisman, executie director of Pantone's research arm known as the Pantone Color Institute. Read more bellow:

{ Most often associated with brilliant, precious gemstones, the perception of Emerald is sophisticated and luxurious. Since antiquity, this luminous, magnificent hue has been the color of beauty and new life in many cultures and religions. Also the color of growth, renewal and prosperity, no other color conveys regeneration more than green. For centuries, many countries have chosen green to represent healing and unity.
"The most abundant hue in nature, the human eye sees more green than any other color in the spectrum," said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. "As it has throughout history, multifaceted Emerald continues to sparkle and fascinate. Symbolically, Emerald brings a sense of clarity, renewal and rejuvenation, which is so important in today's complex world. This powerful and universally-appealing tone translates easily to both fashion and home interiors." } 

This vivid and universally appealing shade of green that easily translates -among others- to design, home interiors and beauty industries and of course fashion it's also incorporated into the Spring/Summer 2013 collections of many designers, including Gucci, Burberry, Michael Kors, Sportsmax, Roland Mouret or Kenzo.

So, my dear friends and fashion lovers, make sure to put this color on your radar this year! I'm already looking forward for a new pair of chandelier earrings featuring this lush tone and a flowy maxi skirt!!

RO: Daca anul trecut verdele fistic facea legea pe marile podiumuri de moda din Paris, NY sau Milano dar si in garderobele fashionistelor, se pare ca lumea modei nu e inca pregatita sa se desparta de culoarea prospetimii si ne-o readuce in atentie intr-o noua nuanta, cea a smaraldului. Gucci, Burberry, Michael Kors, Sprortsmax, Roland Mouret sau Kenzo sunt doar unele dintre marile case se moda care au ales nuantele smaraldului drept vedeta colectiilor de primavara/vara.
Numita culoarea anului 2013 de catre Institutul Pantone, cel care dicteaza tendintele in materie de culoare, se asteapta ca pretioasul verde smarald sa fie exploatat la maxim atat de catre marii retaileri de moda dar si in domeniul decoratiunilor interioare sau a industriei de beauty. 

Iar noi, iubitoarele de moda, nu putem decat sa ne bucuram de aceasta culoare luxurianta care avantajeaza in aceeasi masura blondele, brunetele sau roscatele, este racoritor iar conform cromoterapiei, echilibreaza energiile si destinde considerabil atat fizicul cat si psihicul. (⌒▽⌒)

O fusta si o rochie, ambele maxi si din materiale fluide, matasoase dar si o pereche de cercei candelabru, stralucitori si cat mai opulenti sunt direct pe lunga mea lista de dorinte pt vara asta!

Voi purtati nuante de verde intens, si-a gasit culoarea asta loc in garderobele voastre pana acum?