Mango dress
EN: Hey guys, here we go again with the second- and the last- set of photos from my Egyptian vacation!
I promise to come back soon with lots of fresh, spring-ish outfits! Let's just hope the weather will cooperate and we'll all able to dig for our lighter clothing asap! Oh, colorful blazers, soft fabrics, peep-toe pumps, green landscape, fresh fruits and flowers from our garden, can you imagine the winter is finally, FINALLY over??
Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams !!
RO: Am revenit cu al doilea- si ultimul- set de poze din vacanta petrecuta in Egipt, gata distractia, promit ca ma intorc zilele astea cu tinute in tonuri primavaratice si texturi mai lejere! Sa speram ca si mandra si mult-asteptata luna a Martisorului joaca-n hora noastra si nu ne impiedica sa scoatem din dulap jachetele si sacourile subtiri, imprimeurile florale, bluzele vaporoase si pantofii decupati.
Dragii mei, am primit cateva intrebari legate de acest subiect si vreau in consecinta sa va vorbesc putin despre problema securitatii in statiunile egiptene. Mai exact, nu exista absolut niciun motiv sa scoateti acest loc de pe harta destinatiilor viitoare de vacanta doar din cauza stirilor exagerate de la tv. Probleme nu exista decat in capitala, Cairo, dar si acolo protestele si izbucnirile sunt localizate in vreo doua puncte, precum Piata Tahrir, locul in care egiptenii au protestat si luptat in numele democratiei. Restul capitalei isi desfasoara activitatea in mod normal iar statiunile au acelasi grad de siguranta ca intotdeauna, turismul a fost si va ramane o ramura importanta a economiei egiptene.
This was just about my limit :))..brrr, a tad too cold for me
Vero Moda dress
Peek&Cloppenburg scarf
delicious breakfast, yes I've totally fucked up my diet // Piz Buin, I swear the best sunscreens ever!
This view was just, I don't know..mesmerizing. How lucky some people are, to have a holiday home in such a beautiful spot!!
Tuc Tuc ! Omg, I love this funny, little, taxis :))