Tuesday, February 5, 2013

City of Emeralds

Mango coat and jeans, H&M scarf and shoes, Calvin Klein Collection bag, MK watch

EN: You know how 2012 was -from runway to high street- all about mint green! Well, according to the Pantone Color Institut it seems like this years color is yet another shade of green, this time a richer, luxuriant,  more vibrant shade, emerald ! Green times had come, says Leatrice Eisman, executie director of Pantone's research arm known as the Pantone Color Institute. Read more bellow:

{ Most often associated with brilliant, precious gemstones, the perception of Emerald is sophisticated and luxurious. Since antiquity, this luminous, magnificent hue has been the color of beauty and new life in many cultures and religions. Also the color of growth, renewal and prosperity, no other color conveys regeneration more than green. For centuries, many countries have chosen green to represent healing and unity.
"The most abundant hue in nature, the human eye sees more green than any other color in the spectrum," said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. "As it has throughout history, multifaceted Emerald continues to sparkle and fascinate. Symbolically, Emerald brings a sense of clarity, renewal and rejuvenation, which is so important in today's complex world. This powerful and universally-appealing tone translates easily to both fashion and home interiors." } 

This vivid and universally appealing shade of green that easily translates -among others- to design, home interiors and beauty industries and of course fashion it's also incorporated into the Spring/Summer 2013 collections of many designers, including Gucci, Burberry, Michael Kors, Sportsmax, Roland Mouret or Kenzo.

So, my dear friends and fashion lovers, make sure to put this color on your radar this year! I'm already looking forward for a new pair of chandelier earrings featuring this lush tone and a flowy maxi skirt!!

RO: Daca anul trecut verdele fistic facea legea pe marile podiumuri de moda din Paris, NY sau Milano dar si in garderobele fashionistelor, se pare ca lumea modei nu e inca pregatita sa se desparta de culoarea prospetimii si ne-o readuce in atentie intr-o noua nuanta, cea a smaraldului. Gucci, Burberry, Michael Kors, Sprortsmax, Roland Mouret sau Kenzo sunt doar unele dintre marile case se moda care au ales nuantele smaraldului drept vedeta colectiilor de primavara/vara.
Numita culoarea anului 2013 de catre Institutul Pantone, cel care dicteaza tendintele in materie de culoare, se asteapta ca pretioasul verde smarald sa fie exploatat la maxim atat de catre marii retaileri de moda dar si in domeniul decoratiunilor interioare sau a industriei de beauty. 

Iar noi, iubitoarele de moda, nu putem decat sa ne bucuram de aceasta culoare luxurianta care avantajeaza in aceeasi masura blondele, brunetele sau roscatele, este racoritor iar conform cromoterapiei, echilibreaza energiile si destinde considerabil atat fizicul cat si psihicul. (⌒▽⌒)

O fusta si o rochie, ambele maxi si din materiale fluide, matasoase dar si o pereche de cercei candelabru, stralucitori si cat mai opulenti sunt direct pe lunga mea lista de dorinte pt vara asta!

Voi purtati nuante de verde intens, si-a gasit culoarea asta loc in garderobele voastre pana acum?


  1. great

    i invite to me too


  2. That green looks so good on you! :) The cream jacket and gold watch are really pretty too!

    Amelia @ Ducklingtoswan.com! :) xxx

  3. the scarf adds the perfect amount of color to make this outfit pop! xo


  4. Ador aceasta culoare, imi place la nebunie cum arata impreuna cu acest superb pardesiu. Esti tare frumoasa!

  5. Ai o culoare de par superba <3 esti frumoasa! :P


  6. Super schöne Kombi, gefällt mir sehr gut! ♥
    Liebe Grüße :)

  7. I love this color on you and I love how you wrapped the scarf around your coat!

    Rachel’s Lookbook

  8. Buna!
    Îmi place ținuta ta, mă și inspiri :)
    Iar verdele smarald este culoarea mea de suflet, eu personal nu am renunțat vreodată la ea, deci pot doar să fiu fericită că nume celebre sunt de acord cu mine în acest an!!!

    PS: Știi că geanta aceea este superbă??? Deci, da, este absolut superbă!

  9. you look amazing, dear!!!
    love the outfit and your style
    definitely following you, kisses

    visit my blog please)
    love, Yulia

  10. Superba tinuta si te prinde de minune verdele smarald.
    De fapt, cu ce nu iti sta tie bine? :)

  11. Cat de frumoasa e esarfa, iti sta superb cu aceasta culoare :)

  12. Arati grozaav! :) Iar culoarea e intr-adevar frumoasa!

  13. Imi place tinuta, nu de mult mi-am luat o bluza in culoarea asta :)

  14. wow, you look so great! I love that scarf!

  15. You look gorgeous! The colour of your scarf really suits you!

  16. I really love how you paired the emerald scarf with that off-white jacket..it really brings out the colour of the scarf! Such a lovely, elegant look xo

  17. Love this beautiful, classic and chic look. You scarf is a lovely touch. :)

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

  18. Thank you all for the kind words, they really mean a lot to me!

  19. Dora, hi!

    I like your blog a lot. Your looks are simple, but always with a twist :)

    You remind me of Sharon Stone sometimes... Has anyone ever told you that?

    Xoxo, Mari

    1. Oh, thank you Mary!

      No, actually I've been told I look a bit like Shakira or Scarlet johanson, but never Sharon Stone :)
