Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Living life like it's golden

Primark jacket

Just a quick post today to show you this beautiful golden bomber jacket I bought at Primark some days ago at sales, for only a couple of euros!! Hehe, it definitely enhances my festive spirits and I think it would be perfect to throw over an LBD for one of the upcoming Christmas parties. What do you say?:)

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Sweater Dress

Peek&Cloppenburg coat, Zara knit and bag, old leather boots, H&M bracelet

EN: Let's face it, staying warm AND stylish during the impending Winter months is not always an easy task! It often requires a bit more thought and effort and we don't always have that precious extra time in the morning to get a smart layering that's neither too bulky nor completely uncomfortable.

This is where sweater dresses come in. I can't think about an easier way to look super chic, while still keeping warm. Just wear a long sleeved thermal vest underneath(YES, from my experience, the absolute best way to stay warm!), add a nice wool&cashmere coat in a precious color, knee high boots, some proper accessories as chunky scarves, gloves, etc. and you're ready to go!

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpaintedreams

RO: Dragele mele, cred ca nu gresesc cand spun ca unul dintre cele mai mari inconveniente ale fashionistelor de pretutindeni pe timp de iarna o constituie imbinarea esteticului cu confortul termic. De multe ori gradele din termometre ne limiteaza alegerile stilistice iar dimineata pierdem timp pretios incercand sa compunem o tinuta care sa ne flateze dar in acelasi timp sa ne ajute sa facem fata zapezii si vantului taios. Stiu ca e mult mai la indemana sa aruncati o pereche de jeans si o pufoaica, insa lunile de iarna nu trebuie sa fie un motiv de neglijenta sau delasare!!

Aici intervine insa rochia pulover, una dintre cele mai comode si versatile piese din garderoba noastra. Necesita efort minim de stilizare si arata super chic atat la birou cat si la scoala sau la plimbare! Eu propun sa mergeti pe culori neutre care, asortate corespunzator, permit o sumedenie de asocieri: in combinatie cu un palton intr-o culoare pretioasa si cizme inalte va constitui lookul perfect pt o zi de munca iar impreuna cu o parka imblanita va fi ideala pt un look lejer intr-o seara rece de decembrie. 

Ce ziceti, voi cate rochii pulover detineti in acest moment?:)

Friday, December 7, 2012

It's that Friday feeling

Esprit dress and bag, NY parka, Topshop booties, MK watch

Hey guys, how is your day going so far?  I'm reaally anxious about the weekend, I feel like dancing tonight.Tra la laaa!

Ye ye ye, I'm in a party mood;)

Oh, and don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM  @fashionpainteddreams for more photo updates through the weekend!! See you there!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Good morning, my dear friends and followers, I just posted my first photo on INSTAGRAM a couple of minutes ago and I just wanted to let you all know you can find me there starting today!!! I promise you lots of photos and a closer look into my life, so if you'd like to know me better and stay updated with my everyday activities, come follow!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Favorite color mix

More&More trousers, TK Maxx sweater, H&M scarf, Zara pumps, Chanel bag, MK watch

You already saw me wearing this mix of orange&burgundy here and I must say it's one of my favorite color combinations right now and you'll definitely see me wearing it a lot this winter!  
It's tiring to see how together with the cold weather everything it's turning into a sea of black and greys. Wear colors, people, the best natural way to lift your spirit!! See you soon!

Monday, December 3, 2012


Zara cocoon oversized blazer, NY blouse and pants, LimeLight pumps, Chloe bag, MK watch

EN: Good morning, lovelies!! The joy of December is here *wooohoo!!!

The winter has set in and, the whole world is in festive spirits and we can see how our neighbourhood is starting to wake up to a beautiful Christmas atmosphere, simply wonderful!!
We already decorated the outside of our house with lots of colorful Christmas light and we're planning on finishing with the inside in the next couple of days! There's really nothing like enjoying a yummy cookie and a large cup of tea, on a cold morning, while watching the pretty little Christmas tree in our living room.

RO: Buna dimineata, dragii mei si bun venit, Decembrie!! A sosit si prima luna a iernii, cea mai blanda dintre toate ce-i drept, ajutata generos de minunata atmosfera de sarbatoare, de nebunia cumparaturilor si a darurilor dar si de nostalgia care marcheaza ultima luna din an..

Noi am impodobit deja exteriorul casei, adaptandu-ne obiceiului nemtilor de a marca astfel Adventul. Interiorul il vom pregati zilele astea, sa ne bucuram din plin de atmosfera de sarbatoare in toata luna Decembrie. Stiu ca romanilor care impodobesc cu doua zile inaintea Craciunului si tin decoratiile pana la jumatatea lui Ianuarie li se pare ciudat, am primit si anul trecut intrebari de genul "deja ai facut bradul?!??!", insa nu inteleg de ce sa nu ne bucuram de prezenta bradului si a luminitelor (deja prezente oricum peste tot in oras) si in confortul casei noastre? Ceaiul de mere si scortisoara de dimineata are parca alta aroma savurat in living langa braduletul cuminte care n-are alta dorinta decat aceea de a aduce bucurie, speranta si lumina in suflete.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Criss Cross

ZERO skirt, NY jacket and blouse, LimeLight boots, Esprit bag, Rolex watch

My super-duper over the knee boots are back, guys! hehe, how I've missed them!! Not only are they flattering, but they also match everything in my closet and dress up any simple outfit. Definitely a staple piece in my wardrobe during cold weather!

Have a great day ahead, my fellow followers!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


H&M coat, Vero Moda dress, Calvin Klein Collection bag

I wore this outfit last week to take a walk with a good friend in the center of the city, Domsheide. 

Btw, I'm still on a search for nice zebra printed items, I would really like a blazer featuring this print, simple, structured, in am strong fabric, you know, something Emmanuelle Alt would wear:)) Any tips?

Monday, November 26, 2012

Playful H0undst00th

Cambio jeans, Primark sweater, Calvin Klein Collection bag, LimeLight pumps, H&M bracelet

What do you think, ladies, doesn't the classy houndstooth print look even cooler and playful in color?

Have a great week ahead, my dear friends!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Take ya tights off

H&M jacket, Mango dress, Chloe bag, random boots, MK watch

I really, really, really don't want to because I'm definitely not the biggest fan of tights, but I think this might well be the last time I'll be flaunting my bare legs this year. It's just time, you know, to leave the summer nostalgia behind and embrace the...cold...foggy...windy weather..see, it even hurts me to say it!!  Plus, my boyfriend gave me the look when he saw what I was planning to wear that day:)) Whyyyy does the cold weather have to last sooo long, whyyyy!!!!
Can I please just move to Hawaii for the winter season and then come back like nothing happened?!

RO: Fetelor, trebuie sa va marturisesc ca nu sunt un fan al dresurilor. 200, 10, 50 DEN, cat or avea..Pe langa faptul ca imi place sa imi simt picioarele libere, nu mi se pare ca ar face prea multe favoruri unei tinute, ba din contra..Cu toate acestea- si cu mare parere de rau- cred ca a fost pt ultima data pe anul acesta cand am iesit in picioarele goale, gata, e timpul sa las nostalgia verii in urma, se apropie totusi luna decembrie cu tot pachetul: frig, ceata, vant taios...si ermm..globuri, betele, luminite.. Asadar, oricat de antipatici mi-ar fi, sunt o necesitate iar eu nu sunt omul extremelor. 
Ah, si nu mai trebuie sa va spun ce privire mi-a aruncat the boyfriend cand a vazut cum am de gand sa ies din casa:)) dar nu mai zice de mult nimic, ma lasa sa imi fac nebuniile.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Tk Maxx blazer, Mango jeans and wedges, Fendi bag, H&M bracelet

Good morning, my dear friends and visitors!

This beautiful brocade blazer is one of my newest addition to my ever growing wardrobe, what do you think of it?

Like many others of you, I think my heart skipped a beat when I first saw the f/w 2012 Dolce&Gabbana collection, a sumptuous feast of baroque inspiration featuring that magical black velvet, embroidery, lavish adornment, jacquard and decadent brocade fabrics! So much perfection!!! Needless to say, when I laid my eyes on this blazer, I felt like we belong together:))

I decided to pair it with a breton sweater and jeans for a daytime look and kept the accessories simple, adorning my wrists only!

Have a great day!!  Kiss