Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Throwing on the shearling

TK Maxx shearling jacket, Mango jeans, H&M ankle boots

EN: Heya, guys!! I had some problems with the Holy Internet connection for the past few days and I haven't  been able to update here at the blog, but everything it's fine now and I'll get back to the regular posting.
This photos were taken last week, while everything was still white and frozen. Not nice at all. But today! Today we have 12 degrees (!) here in Bremen and no signs of snow at all, it's completely melted!! Now, that's nice :)

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams !!

RO: Buna, dragii mei! Am avut o mica problema cu internetul zilele astea si evident nu am reusit sa actualizez blogul, dar totul s-a rezolvat intre timp (cu panica, clar, se opreste timpul in loc fara conexiune la net ಠ_ಠ hmmmmm)  iar ritmul postarilor va reveni la normal. Pozele de mai sus sunt facute saptamana trecuta, cand totul era inca alb si temperaturile sub zero. Ermm, deloc pe gustul meu. Dar astazi! Astazi sunt 12 (!) grade in Bremen si nici urma de zapada! Yeyy! Cativa stropi de ploaie, insa nu ma deranjeaza, laolalta cu narcisele care se ivesc deja curajoase in fata casei, imi miroase mai degraba a primavara timpurie :) 
Astazi e si ziua de nastere a iubitului meu, transformat de un an de zile in fotograf  :> si cum datorita lui vedeti outfit-urile mele de zi cu zi, vreau sa ii multumesc pt grija, rabdare si sa-i urez si aici La multi aaani!!   

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Instagram Diaries #2

Hey guys, how's your Sunday going so far? I'm quite sleepy after last night's party so for now I'll just leave you with a new round of Instagram shots while I'm gonna make me some popcorn, watch a film and maybe take a good afternoon nap. Have a great day ahead!

Last night's outfit and makeup. Spent the night dancing to the point that I couldn't feel my feet!! Oh, and I ruined another pair of shoes :( // The preparations. Putting my makeup on while listening to my fav Placebo songs. Love this guys!!

Ootd. Picture taken last week in the morning, right before I got out of the house // Ootd. Outfit details.

Precious. My favorite item in my closet right now, love the gorgeous color and the softness of the fabric. I could sleep in it! // Beauty.This early tulips brought Spring in my kitchen!!

Ootd. A warm and cozy outfit that I wore last week. At least the upper half. This ankle boots are fierce, but unfortunately my feet froze in them, they're more like spring/summer shoes, so they'll have to wait a bit.

Makeup of the night. This is actually the lipstick that I wore last night, the best red ever, Chili by MAC. I'm actually planning to make a post with my fav beauty products soon.  // Makeup of the day. Just a random, nude makeup.

Ootd. Wearing my ethnic-print scarf+bon bon cherry lips and an old love of mine, I Love Love by Moschino. :) By the way, besides beauty or hair products, are you interested in seeing my favorite perfumes&co?

I'm waiting for your thoughts and opinions, bellow, in the comment section. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Hey Ms. Trenchcoat!

EN: I don't like how this set of photos turned out. Actually not the photos themselves but me in them. It's too god damn cold to just stay put and pose relaxed and happy :)) I just wanna rush back in the car asap.
But as I really enjoyed wearing the outfit that day, I said ok, one photo I'll publish.
This is actually the trench coat that I bought in Oldenburg a couple of weeks ago (remember I told you I went after flat boots and came home with this instead?) Ok, so it has a thermal removable lining so it's great not only for spring but for mild winter days as well. MILD. Cause now I'm all wrapped in my thickest MK down jacket and fluffy turtleneck. Can't wait to change into something more glamorous for the evening.

Yuhuu, only a couple more hours until my weekend starts with a pilates class and then fun, fun, fun!
Have you made any plans yet?

Have fun, stay safe and don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams!!

RO: Deloc nu-mi place cum a iesit setul asta de fotografii. Sau mai bine zis, eu in ele. Am zis totusi sa va arat tinuta, ca tare mult mi-a placut si m-am simtit excelent in ea. Desi trench-ul pe care il port are o captuseala termala detasabila care il face relativ ok si pt zilele mai blande de iarna sau cand sar hop-top din masina pana inauntru la caldura, e totusi mult prea frig acum sa pot sta locului, relaxata si zambitoare la pozat. Nu-mi vine decat sa zbor cat mai repede in masina. 
Azi la fel, e o zi frumoasa si insorita, insa florile de gheata de la geamuri m-au facut sa scot de dimineata cea mai groasa jacheta de la naftalina si bocancii Timberland, cam singurele incaltari din garderoba mea care fac fata cu brio ghetii sau zapezii. De abia astept sa ma schimb in ceva mai feminin pt diseara. 

Eu imi incept weekendul in cateva ore la cursul de pilates si apoi fun la un cosmo si putin dans.
Voi ce faceti la sfarsit de saptamana, v-ati facut deja planuri?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Esprit corduroy jeans, NY parka, H&M bag and shoes, Rolex watch

EN: One of my favorite brands to shop for classy, high quality clothing is Esprit. And it's funny, because a few years ago, it didn't even exist on my fashion radar! But all since I came to Germany- here being very popular- I started to fancy their stuff. It all culminated when we moved in our new house and realized that the city's outlet park is only 15 minutes away by foot. And there is a huuuuge Esprit outlet that I love to visit whenever I get the time. Right there is also where I found this ivory corduroy jeans. I've been looking for something similar in over a year, so when I found this ones, the only pair left and in my size, oh la la, me sooo happy!!! Gollum& his Precious reunited!!

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams

RO: Unul dintre magazilele mele preferate spre care ma indrept atunci cand imi doresc o piesa clasica si calitativa, e Esprit. Acum cativa ani nici macar nu exista pe radarul meu, dar mutandu-ma in Germania- aici fiind f popular- m-am izbit la tot pasul de firma lor rosie, impunatoare si de magazinele lor minimaliste. Totul a culminat cu momentul in care ne-am mutat in casa noua si am realizat ca parcul de outleturi al orasului se afla la doar 5 minute de mers cu masina, 15 pe jos. Nu sunt multe brandurile pt care imi fac drum acolo, insa imi plac Esprit si mai nou Fossil- recent deschis, ma pierd printre sutele de ceasuri cand ajung acolo, nu ma pot hotara la nimic :))

Jeansii de mai sus, ivorii, din material raiat, i-am vazut la un magazin in centrul orasului acum catea luni. Imi doream aprig de ceva vreme o astfel de pereche, iar in momentul in care i-am gasit am zis gata, ai mei sunt!! Si caut nr caut..ridic..dau la o parte, nimic. Incepeau sa ma ia caldurile. Merg frumusel la vanzatoate, intreb, ea incepe sa dea telefoane, ne pare rau,nu mai avem, bla bla. Nu exista dom'le nr 36!!  
Nu mica mi-a fost mirarea in urma cu 2 saptamani, cand, la outlet fiind, zaresc cea ivoriu, raiat. Ma uit, pantalonii mei. O singura pereche. Marimea 36. Gollum& his Precious reunited.. Credeti ca i-am mai probat sau am zburat cu ei la casa? hmmm

Monday, January 21, 2013

Soft biker

Primark jacket, Mango sweater, Christian Dior ankle boots, Ray Bans

EN: I hope everybody had a great, sunny weekend, with lots of fun and priceless moments! Mine was kind of full and now I'm a bit tired but nothing that a good after-noon sport class can't fix.

Now, a bit about my outfit, I wore this Chloe inspired jacket a lot lately, it goes so well with many items in my closet and I just adore the powdery peachy-pink color! You can see the exact hue in the second picture.

It's so nice to see that the iconic biker jacket is no longer strictly related to black and punk-rock, but it's now a statement piece in almost every fashionable wardrobe and it's successfully incorporated in a bohemian or glam outfit or even sport and preppy!  So, how many do you own? :)

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams !!

RO: Dragii mei prieteni si cititori, sper ca ati avut parte de un sfarsit de saptamana placut, cu soare, odihna si un strop de distractie! Eu am avut parte de un wekend plin-ochi si ma cam resimt acum, insa pret pe momentele si amintirile frumoase nu putem pune.

Am imbracat tinuta de mai sus ieri, insa jacheta asta- inspirata din colectia de iarna a casei de moda Chloe- o am de ceva vreme si am tot purtat-o in diferite combinatii, o sa va mai arat. Iar culoarea!!! Culoarea e absolut delicioasa, un roz-piersica pudrat, puteti vedea nuanta exacta in a doua poza. 

Jacheta tip biker, una dintre acele piese care ramane de actualitate sezon dupa sezon si in care merita sa investim, nu mai e de mult rezervata negrului sau asociata uniformei stilului punk-rock. A fost asimilata incet-incet de catre toate stilurile, iar acum o vedem incorporata cu succes in tinute glam, hippie, sport sau chiar preppy.  
Colectiile de primavara ne-o readuc in atentie cu abordari indraznete, de la culori fondante pana la gri metalic, de la piele pana la matase imprimata, iar noi nu putem decat sa salutam versatilitatea acestei piese fetis! :)  Voi cate detineti?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

In with the Old!

Guess leather jacket, ZERO skirt, random scarf, Topshop booties, Louis Vuitton bag

EN: My dear friends and followers, I got a pretty nice question for you today. What's the oldest piece of clothing in your wardrobe? And I don't mean old baby shoes and dresses that your mother might have kept all these years. I'm talking about different items that you bought in your teenage years or highschool and that you still own and wear?
Mine is an old black coat bought in the 9th grade that I still cherrish and wear every single winter.
Also, I got this scarf more than 6 years ago as a present from a good friend of mine and I'm still madly in love with it. The ethnic print, the beautiful color and the soft fabric can lift up any dull, boring winter outfit,  not to mention it's perfect to throw over the shoulders on a chilly summer evening.

Now it's your turn!

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams

RO: Azi va iscodesc cu o intrebare. Care sunt cele mai vechi articole din garderoba voastra?  Si aici nu ma refer la botoseii sau rochitele imbulinate pastrate de mama ca amintire si nici nu doresc sa-mi datati vreo piesa vintage. Ma refer la haine sau accesorii care si-au gasit loc in dulapurile voaste in copilarie, adolescenta, poate in facultate, care inca va vin bine si pe care le purtati cu acelasi drag ca odinioara. 
Eu am un palton negru, daruit de mama mea in clasa a noua. Mi l-am dorit enorm, insa era prea scump sa il pot lua din banii mei si tin minte ca m-a luat mama intr-o dupa-masa de mana si-am mers impreuna sa mi-l cumpere. Il port si astazi. O fosta colega de liceu, draga de Isa daca citesti!:)) chiar l-a observat intr-o postare mai veche si mi-a spus. E ceva firma romaneasca , material excelent si va spun sincer ca zilele lui de glorie n-au apus inca:)
Esarfa de mai sus o am de vreo sase ani, primita si ea, de data aceasta de la o prietena. O port mereu cu acelasi drag, iarna la gat iar in serile racoroase de vara, pe post de sal.

Acum e randul vostru!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Peek&Cloppenburg coat and scarf, Zara jeans, Topshop booties, Miu Miu bag

EN: I woke up yesterday morning in a chillier than usual bedroom only to see everything covered in snow. You already know how I feel about the cold weather so I won't be repeating myself, but damn..this winter seems endless and so..tiresome..And now that it started to snow, gosh, spring seems like a million years away!
Can I just move to Costa Rica and come back when it's all gone, please?:)

Follow me now on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams

RO: M-am trezit ieri dimineata intr-un dormitor mai rece decat de obicei si cateva sageti stralucitoare ce patrundeau printre faldurile draperiei. Am stiut ca a nins. Si odata cu ninsoarea proaspat cernita,lunga si obositoarea iarna mi se pare abia instalata. Iar primavara, ghioceii, lalala..ohoo, la milioane de ani distanta. Oricat as incerca sa raman pozitiva si nu ma las influentata de starea vremii, mi-e uneori imposibil. Zapada topita, noroiul, ghetele mereu murdare, traficul ingreunat, grija sporita la volan, accidentele pe banda rulanta, picioarele inghetate, pielea uscata sau cate o cazatura zdravana nu sunt tocmai motive de buna-dispozitie. 
Deci, Costa Rica anyone?!

Pozele le-am facut in aprox. 3 minute, sper sa va placa, ii inghetau fotografului degetele pe aparat:)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Life on Instagram

EN: I know, I know, I'm one of the late birds that only recently discovered the fun of Instagram, while all of you have enjoyed it for the past year, but yeah, it's never too late, right?

Anyway, I thought it would be nice to make a post with my Instagram shots from time to time. Of course, I will make a description of each photo, you know, for it to make more sense to you (otherwise you can just watch the photos on the right sidebar) and to make it more fun and interesting as well.
But I'm not sure how often should I do this type of posts, you prefer weekly or bi-monthly? I am waiting for your feed back in the comment section!

INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams

RO: Da, da, stiuuu, mi-a luat o vesnicie pana sa ma decid sa intru in rand cu lumea si sa-mi deschid un cont pe instagram, insa chiar nu m-am gandid ca ar fi asa fun. Imi place. 

M-am gandit sa fac si cate o postare saptamanala sau bilunara cu instantaneele de pe Instagram, voi ce ziceti, va plac astfel de postari? Bineinteles, voi face cateva precizari legate de fiecare poza, altfel ce sens ar avea, le puteti vedea oricum in bara laterala a blogului. Si f important, cat de dese preferati sa fie? Astept parerile voastre in sectiunea de comentarii!  
*Am ales doar o parte din pozele din ultima luna, in principal cu outfitul sau machiajele mele, nu avea sens sa le pun pe toate, mai ales ca unele dateaza de la sarbatori.

InstaOutfit. My outfit for a birthday party I attended this past weekend. Hmm, it seems like my love for black is totally back! Of course, paired with some bling to make the outfit more fun. Mango dress, H&M necklace, Rolex watch.

InstaMakeup. Pin up style is one of my go to evening/going out make-up. Easy to do& always making an impact // Details. My outfit for a short shopping trip to Oldenburg. Isn't this H&M scarf simply wonderful?! I love the mix of pink&burgundy florals.

Inspiration. Tango&romance, I'd love to have this painting on one of my walls  // Winter white roses. Unspoken bonds.

InstaMakeup. Mascara&bright lips. Just fooling around, waiting for my friends to pick me up and go get dinner // Western. My new hat bought at Esprit a couple of weeks ago, perfect for those bad hair days.

Arm candy. My rose gold MK watch, paired with some silver bracelets. The one in the middle is now broken:(

My outfit for New Years Eve// Dress from H&M. Brigitte Bardot inspired hairstyle and deep smokey eyes

Shopping at Primark. Jenny from the block. Yeah, me, haha:)) A lil' too blingy for my taste but it's worth a shot :) // Gang-something. Just fashion gone wrong. I don't get the hype, that's all.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Friday, January 11, 2013


ZERO skirt, NY parka, random jumper, Topshop booties, Esprit bag

EN: I received the above skirt -and a similar one in blue!- as a gift from a good friend of mine and I'm telling you, I couldn't be happier to have them in my wardrobe. I mean, they both have such a bohemian, Marant vibe (one of my all time favorite designers), you just gotta love them! I can already see myself wearing them in summer with a pair of suede fringed boots or gladiator sandals. Yumm;)

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams

RO: Am primit fusta de mai sus -si inca una asemanatoare pe albastru!-  de la buna mea prietena si sunt de-a dreptul in-can-tata sa le am in garderoba. Imi doream de ceva vreme niste fuste sau rochii de inspiratie boema, hippie, boho, cum vreti s-o numiti :)),  asadar au venit ca o surpiza extrem de placuta.
Nu v-am prea vorbit despre designerii pe care ii prefer, insa va pot spune ca iubesc toate colectiile Isabel Marant, cea care mi-a si readus in atentie fustele acestea, i-as purta creatiile in proportie de 80% , iar botinele din colectia aw 12/13 inca imi agita somnul si asa dificil;))

Dar ia spuneti-mi acum, care sunt designerii care va inspira stilul vestimentar?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rock that Fur!

H&M coat, NY pants, Primark booties, Chloe bag

EN: I knew when I first saw this forest green coat at H&M that it would go perfectly with my old teal faux-fur collar. And wasn't I right? I mean, I love this combination, especially when paired with some rock-ish elements to keep it casual.

Have a great day ahead, guys and don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams

RO: Am stiut din prima clipa cand am zarit paltonul acesta de un minunat verde smarald(intamplator, culoarea anului 2013) ca va merge de minune cu vechea mea capa de blana. Nu-i asa ca am avut dreptate? Mi se pare tare frumoasa combinatia, in special alaturata unor elemente rock pt a pastra un aer mai casual. 
Voi ce culori preferati anul acesta?

Monday, January 7, 2013

As in..goodbye kitty?

H&M jacket, Mango skirt, random blouse bought in Turkey, LimeLight boots, Mulberry bag

EN: Good morning, my friends!! So, how was your weekend, have you hit the sales yet? I sure did:)) We took a short trip to Oldenburg on Saturday, where I intended to shop for flat boots and ended up with dresses. Glamorous ones. And skirts. And a trench coat, just to be sure. Cliché Much?
Anyway, even though it looks like I'm getting ready for more like spring, I'm really delighted with my newest acquisitions and I can't wait to have the chance to wear them. The trench coat has a removable thermal liner, so it's great for both winter or spring, but the silky smooth dresses?! Oh, two more winter months, pleaseee go by fast!!

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpainteddreams

RO: Buna dimineata, dragii mei! Cum v-ati petrecut weekendul, ia spuneti, ati dat iama in reduceri? Eu cu siguranta mi-am facut de cap:)) Ne-am urcat in masina sambata, cu destinatia Oldenburg, cu gandul  ca poate, poate imi gasesc si eu o pereche de cizme joase asa cum visez eu noaptea. De cateva luni. Pe net nu gasesc, la noi in oras nici atat, am zis sa-mi incerc norocul prin imprejurimi. N-am gasit nici acolo. Am venit acasa cu rochii. Si fuste. Si un trench, ca aveam nevoie..Tipic mie, ce pot sa spun, mai bine plec cu gandul sa-mi cumpar un piaptan, poate asa am si eu mai mult noroc.. pt ca niciodata, dar NICIODATA nu gasesc ceea ce caut..
Bine macar ca trench-ul are o captuseala polar detasabila, incat il pot folosi primavara/toamna dar si acum, la temperaturi mai joase. Vorba vine, ca aici sunt in jur de 10 grade. Nu indeajuns insa pt rochitele mele matasoase.
Hai primavara, hai am zis!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

All Fresh and Exotic

Zara blazer, See by Chloe jeans, Calvin Klein Collection bag, 3.1 Phillip Lim pumps, MK watch

En: My dear friends and visitors, ta-daaa.. here is my first outfit for 2013! You know, this short break I was forced to take from the online world did me a major favor actually. After one year of constantly posting every two days I really needed a bit of time away from the computer, the blog, the posing and all this stuff. It's just something...healthy for both body and mind to do every once in a while, don't you think?
But I'm back now, in a mood for blogging, fresh and ready to rock this new year!!

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM @fashionpaintedreams !!!

Ro: Buna dragii mei, ta-daaa.. a sosit si prima tinuta pe anul 2013!!! Am argumentat deja absenta mea din ultima perioada in postul precedent, v-am spus ca am fost bolnava, insa nu am mai mentionat si faptul ca aveam nevoie de pauza asta..chiar aveam...Dupa un an de zile in care am postat cu regularitate la doua zile,  simteam nevoia imperioasa de a lua o pauza de la mediul online, de la retele de socializare, de la pozat si editat fotografii. Si mi-a prins bine. Am intrat in noul an cu forte proaspete, cu chef de bloggareala dar si cu o multime de idei de tinute.
N-o sa-mi fac o lista cu rezolutii pt anul asta, vreau doar sa am mai multa grija de corpul si de sanatatea mea, sa fiu deschisa provocarilor intelectuale dar si sa ma preocup mai mult de micile mele hobby-uri. Sa nu uit sa-mi cumpar un set nou de culori pt pictura dar si sa urmez cursul acela de croitorie pe weekend amanat de luni bune.
Nici una din aceste dorinte nu reprezinta un vis. Toate pot fi indeplinite fara probleme atata timp cat exista vointa, determinare si dorinta de a tinde spre mai bine si mai mult pt propria-ti persoana. Asta va sfatuiesc si pe voi dragele mele, incercati mereu sa va autodepasiti fara a va impune tinte intangibile pe termen scurt si presiuni inutile. Cu bonusul unei minti linistite, bineinteles.