Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Golden Leaves

Faux-fur vest HERE // Tommy Hilfiger jeans // Shirt similar HERE // 
Juicy Couture sunglasses, MK watch

EN: I'm starting the day with a way better feeling when I see my beloved sun shining through my window almost every morning! Ohh, what a bliss!! I also feel like my garden is starting to wake up to a new growing season and I just can't wait to share our first breakfast outside this year! But first, I need to recover from a small cold that's been bothering me in the last few days! Hate it!

Don't forget to follow my blog on Instagram @fashionpainteddreams for daily updates

RO: Cu alt sentiment imi incep ziua atunci cand trag la prima ora draperiile si un soare splendid ma saruta de buna dimineata!! Ahhh, gradina mea se dezmorteste si abia astept momentul de a lua primul mic dejun in curte pe anul acesta! Pana una alta, trebuie sa imi adun fortele in a scapa de o mica raceala care desi printr-o minune m-a ocolit intreaga iarna, ia uite cum a reusit sa ma inhate acum!

Va doresc o saptamana minunata in continuare!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Love Potion

Jumper HERE // Coat HERE // Pants similar HERE

EN: In order to start your week in a good manner, a lovely Sunday spent with your loved ones is required, don't you think? And when the weather really cooperates into putting you in a good mood, then it's all settled: Put your most confortable shoes on right away and take your friends and family out for a long walk!!

See you soon, my friends!

Don't foget to follow my blog on Instagram @fashionpainteddreams for daily updates!!

RO: O saptamana productiva incepe desigur cu o duminica excelenta! Iar daca aceasta e insorita si calduta, imbiindu-te sagalnic sa te relaxezi chemandu-ti prietenii la o plimbare prelunga prin orasul dezmortit, atunci ai garantia unei rezerve pline de energie pentru zilele lucratoare ce bat la usa!

Asadar, ce mai stai, incalta cele mai comode cizme si un palton lejer, esarfa cu flori si scoate-i pe cei dragi la o plimbare, asculta-le povestile, faceti poze de album, jucati-va cu copiii, necajiti catelul si imparte zambete entuziaste trecatorilor!

Pe curand!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Dash of Leopard

Benetton coat&top // Replay jeans // Calvin Klein Collection bag // 
Zara shoes // She hat // Rolex watch

EN: It's been forever now since I was looking for that beautiful leopard coat that didn't look cheap or tacky!! So you can imagine that the right moment when I laid my eyes on this lovely number, my heart instantly skipped a beat! Yes, yes, it was definitely a love at first sight kind of moment!

I paired it with my favorite Replay jeans and a floppy hat for a chic day-time approach!
Feel free to drop your impression in the comment section below!

Don't forget to follow my blog on Instagram @fashionpainteddreams for daily updates!

RO: Oricat as iubi rochiile si fustele, ma cuprinde uneori un dor teribil de jeansi! Si chiar daca detin in genere destul de multe perechi pe toate stilurile, am cativa preferati spre care intind mereu mana!
Aceeasi poveste si cu jeansii Replay de fata, pe care garderoba mea ii gazduieste de peste 6 ani! Da, da, ati auzit bine! Iar calitatea este exceptionala avand in vedere ca nu zaresc defel urme de uzura! Replay impreuna cu 7 for all Mankind si J Brand sunt, dupa parerea mea, the master of denim si prima mea alegere cand doresc ceva nou!

Astazi i-am combinat impreuna cu mult-dorita jacheta leopard de care sunt extrem de incantata, avand in vedere ca e deja o vesnicie de cand ma aflu in cautatrea uneui model a carui textura si imprimeu sa nu arate ieftin si peste masura de artificial!.
Ehmm, si da, palaria o vedeti deja pe a treia nuanta, dupa negru si burgundy, nu m-am putut abtine!:):)

Pe curand!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bloody Flowers

Vest HERE // Dress HERE // Zara booties // She hat // MK watch

EN: My beloved friends, it's now time to announce the happy winner of our Pretty Purple Boutique giveaway!
Thank you all so much for joining, I am so happy there were so many of you interested in these beautiful accessories!!

Please, don't be sad if you didn't win this time, other lovely surprises will come together with the Spring arrival! Also, starting now, Pretty Purple Boutique is offering free shipping within Europe!! Now, tell me, how cool is that?! You can shop all you want without thinking about other expenses! I'm loooving a good deal!

So, the lucky winner of the beautiful accessories is...Andy Andra ( )
Congratulations, dear!!

Don't forget to follow my blog on Instagram @fashionpainteddreams for daily updates!!

RO: Dragii mei, a sosit mometul mult asteptat, anuntarea castigatorului minunatelor accesorii Pretty Purple Boutique (clipsurile fundita de pantofi Eliza intr-o culoare la alegere si cerceii verde smarald)!

Va multumesc impreuna cu Florina tuturor celor care s-au inscris, ma bucur nespus sa va am alaturi si ca reactionati pozitiv la astfel de actiuni! Cel mai mult ma incanta reactia pozitiva legata de clipsurile de pantofi, un accesoriu nu foarte promovat pana acum insa cu o putere incredibila de a schimba aspectul final al unei tinute! Tocmai de aceea, nu fiti triste, planuim odata cu venirea primaverii si alte surprize pentru voi!
De asemenea, incepand cu aceasta saptamana, Pretty Purple Boutique ofera transport gratuit in Europa la metoda standard!! Minunat, nu? Acum vei putea cumpara in voie fara sa iti faci griji legate de cheltuielile de transport!!

Asadar, castigatoarea concursului si norocoasa ce se va bucura in cel mai scurt timp de aceste minunatii este... Andy Andra ( )

Felicitari, draga mea, te voi contacta in cel mai scurt timp pentru detalii !!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

From Dora with Purple Love ❤ surprise ❤

Pretty Purple boutique earrings (HERE) and shoe clips (HERE
sequin sweater HERE // skirt HERE // Zara jacket // Juicy Couture sunglasses


Valentine's Day is just around the corner and just in time for it, here I am with yet another BIG SURPRISE for you, my dear friends! Together with Florina, the lovely lady behind Pretty Purple Boutique, we decided to make your Valentine's day a bit more exciting by adding some glamorous accessories in your jewelry vanity case! Are you feeling lucky today? Than don't hesitate and enter this awesome giveaway for a chance to win not one, BUT TWO gorgeous accessories!!!

❤ FIRST GIFT!!! ❤  
The gorgeous emerald green earrings!

The lovely Eliza bow shoe clips in the color of your choice!!
 YES, you can stroll through all the colors HERE and choose your favorite so you can add them on your beloved shoes! (the red ones also avilable!) Trust me, it'll feel like you're sporting a brand new pair of shoes!!

These two beautiful gifts will go to one lucky winner!!

The rules are the same as always and all you need to do are the following:

1)  Like Pretty Purple Boutique on Facebook HERE
2)  Like Fashion Painted Dreams on Facebook HERE
3)  Share THIS contest photo on Facebook
4)  Leave a comment under this post with your Facebook name and your e-mail adress so I can contact you!

Optional. for those of you who are using Instagram, it would be great if you could follow @prettypurpleboutique !

The giveaway ends Saturday, 15th of February!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Celebrating Color

Jacket HERE // Dress HERE // old faux fur collar // Michael Kors watch

EN: Hey there, my lovely friends and readers! I'm back with a brand new, colorful post for you!
I tried to channel my inner glamour side by adding this beautiful teal faux-fur collar to my outfit the other day and I reall love the result! I paired it with a blue midi dress(here) and my favorite orange jacket(here) for a chic day-time look! 
What do you think? Feel free to drop your opinion in the comment section bellow!

Don't forget to follow my blog on Instagram @fashionpainteddreams for daily updates!

RO: Rascolesc grabita in toata garderoba dupa gulerul meu preferat din blana artificiala. Sunt deja imbracata, trebuia sa fiu iesita pe usa de acum un minut deja si gulerul nicaieri! In disperarea mea de a face loc in dressing-ul care nu mai poate gazdui nici macar un ac in plus, am uitat ca am dus o parte din lucrurile voluminoase de iarna, jos in camera de serviciu.
Il gasesc si zbor!

Oh la la, cand vad vremea de afara ma felicit ca l-am luat, mai ales ca preia pe alocuri si rolul umbrelei:)) Da, dragii mei, de aici si picaturile de ploaie de pe rochia mea, vremea n-a stat pe ganduri si nici n-a asteptat cuminte sa imi termin eu setul de poze si s-a pus pe picurat marunt acompaniat de un vant teribil! Urcand in masina, ma uit cu tristete la rochia mea uda, care reusise cumva si sa mature frumos toate treptele pe care m-am pozat! Hurray!! Insa nu m-am abtinut sa nu vi le arat si voua, pana la urma chiar imi place cum au iesit! Ce ziceti?;)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Red Bird

Pretty Purple Boutique shoe clips HERE // Dress HERE // Mango shoes

EN: I was promising you some details about the hottest accessory of the moment and here they are: the fabulous shoe clips! They come in various styles and shapes such as gems, bows, flowers or feathers and they have the power to drastically change the appereance of the simplest pair of shoes! You can clip them on on your favorite pair of nude pumps on your go-to ballerinas or even on your special wedding shoes for that glamorous final touch!
On Pretty Purple Boutique you can find a large selection of shoe clips, suitable even for the most pretentious taste! From luxurious to vintage, glamorous or the cutest bows, it's impossible not to fall for this lovely shoe adornments!

I wore mines clipped on a simple pair of black pumps and together with a lovely wine red dress( you can shop it here) I created a beautiful contrast in my outfit!

Now let me hear your opinion abut the shoe clips, my dear friends!

For daily updates, like their Facebook page here

RO: Dragele mele, este cert, toate cele care ne dam intalnire de cateva ori pe saptamana pe aceasta pagina ne dorim intr-un fel sau altul sa ne faurim propria identitate stilistica, sa ne deosebim de multimea trasa la indigo. Si astfel apelam la artificii coloristice sau de ce nu, la amanunte inedite, acele detalii care fac diferenta si se regasesc sub forme si idei din ce in ce mai surprinzatoare.

Asadar, revin astazi cu o scurta introducere a unor accesorii care mi-au fost pana de curand complet straine: clipsurile de pantofi! La o cautare pe google, am aflat ca sunt la mare cautare intre iubitoarele de pantofi, insa uite cum se face ca mie mi-au scapat! Nu e cu suparare, imi iau acum revansa! Pe Pretty Purple Boutique, am gasit o larga varietate de clipsuri, de la luxurioase la vintage si glam dar si cele mai adorabile fundite, toate menite sa satisfaca cele mai capricioase gusturi!

Le poti atasa perechii preferate de pantofi nude, balerinilor de zi cu zi dar si in ziua nuntii pe sandalele prea iubite! Efectul este unul spectaculos, acestea avand puterea de a schimba complet look-ul chiar si celei mai comune perechi de incaltaminte.

Trecerea de la banal la Cenusareasa se face cat ai zice.. clips!!
Voi ce parere aveti despre aceste podoabe?

Pentru a fi la curent cu noutatile, like paginii de Facebook Pretty Purple Boutique!